After being shouted out for a meeting one week earlier by the secretary, board of BESTA gathered to sit for a last meeting for this semester.
Date : 22 March 2011
Time : 8.00 pm
Venue : E1 level 5
This meeting purposely to conclude whatever programme that have been done or postponed by the bureau for the entire 1st semester 2010/2011 session. All bureaus need to briefly explain any short coming along the semester. Besides that, we also discussed few things for the coming short semester. Any improvement and enhancement was being told by the main board for our attention. After officially closed the meeting, any arising matter was discussed.
Bro Iswadi |
Meeting was started at 8.15 pm after head of bureaus have arrived. The meeting was chaired by our president, Bro Iswadi. Started the meeting with Al-Fatihah to grab the bless from ALLAH. After that, he started the meeting with the report from each bureau starting with Educational bureau.
Educational Bureau
Congratulation for all the good work !
Career talk and mock interview programme was a very successful programme which was complimented by many sides. The participants as well as our advisor was very grateful for this programme. Thanks a lot to those who were involved directly or indirectly. Another programme was
BESTA Past Year Exam Paper Stall. Many students get the benefits from this event and effort. May ALLAH grant you more. The head of the bureau, Bro Rizal also proposed few complains from students that need attention from the lecturers and admin. Student dialogue for Biochemical Biotechnology Engineering Student, insyaALLAH will be held next time. This dialogue will benefit students by directly tell the lecturer or admin about students' problem.
Bro Rizal |
Sis Najiha |
Media and Publication Bureau
Congratulation for all the good work !
telling myself. First and foremost, this
blog is much appreciated by all the members by updating each and every programme done by BESTA for the whole semester. People around the world, alumni and also next coming tenure can clearly know what have been done by our tenure for BESTA. However, few things need to be adjusted for this blog to improve here and there. Next is about the
Organizational Notice Board, this bureau must give attention to this board as it is a reference for lecturers and students regarding our organization. InsyaALLAH, action will be taken during the short semester. For the next planning for this bureau is to design a good t-shirt and jersey for our all BESTA members and ESC players. So, wait for our good designs ! For the short semester, Media and Publication Bureau will collaborate with Sports Bureau for one charity programme.
Bro Anuar |
Welfare and Dakwah Bureau
Congratulation for all the good work !
Annual Grand Dinner was a success event done by this bureau. Lecturers were glad and support the programme. This event was really left a spot of good memories to all the final year students. Strengthen the ukhuwwah in different batch also achieved by doing such programme. However, Solat Hajat for Final Exam was cancelled due to some misunderstanding with other department society. For short semester, both head and assistant head of bureau will not be around so, nothing much can be done during that period.
Bro Ariff |
Entrepreneurship Bureau
Congratulation for all the good work ! Lab coat selling at the OSCENT was not really paid the effort. This is due to the lacking of registration of new students for this semester. Few suggestions have been told such as, to sell the lab coat at the Center for Foundation Studies IIUM, but the authority does not allow us to do so. However, we will wait for the next semester to welcome new Biochemical Biotechnology Engineering Students to buy the official lab coat. Entrepreneurship Bureau is enthusiastically ready to promote and sell the our official association T-shirt for the next semester. Wait for them ! Last but not least, the
exhibition held for Enginius was good which was conducted by this bureau. Our participation in this event showed our spirit in supporting the Kuliyyah Based Society, Enginius.
Bro Khairul |
Sports and Recreational Bureau
Congratulation for all the good work ! Even though this bureau does not come out with any programme, but the haed and the assistant head were incredibly supported others bureau programme. This Bureau will entertain all the BESTA family with a charity work during the short semester. They will provide us with outdoor programme which is differ from others bureau programme, insyaALLAH. This bureau also will completely get ready the athletes for the next ESC (Engineering Sports Carnival) organized by Enginius. High expectation for the BESTA family to gain as much medal as we can to show the commitment to the department. For those who are really interested in sports, do contact us.
Main Board
As usual, Mr president asked for the report from each bureau concluded all the activities for this semester. This report will be a compilation for a reference for advisor and next tenure. Also, will be submitted to the Enginius for their attention. The report will be submitted a week after to the secretary and will be edited before pass it over to Mr. President. Arising matters was conducted by Vice President, Bro Rozaidi and Sis Izaty because Bro Iswadi was in hurry to settle other matters.
Bro Amirul and Sis Jiha |
Bro Rozaidi |
Sis Izzaty |
Congratulations to line up board of BESTA. All the commitment and effort are much appreciated in having a good department society. However, small things need to be cared enough such as punctuality, honesty, and sincerity. Become a good follower will lead us to be a good leader. Feel the responsibility will make us to do our very best in our task. Same goes to me.
Until next meeting on the next semester,
See You Again and Best of Luck for the Final!