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Feb 19, 2011

Career Talk and Mock Interview !!

Last 12 feb 2011, Saturday:
  Educational Bureau had organized the Career Talk and Mock Interview.The event was attended by outsider speaker: Indah water, FRIM, Inno Bio. These are some pictures captured during the event.

Speech by Mdm Yumi

speaker from Indah Water

speaker from FRIM

Audience are mostly from the final years' students, as this programme was requested by them. A lot of good comments we get from them. This is a good opportunity to know more about job opportunities out there. Congratulations to the committee members !



ex president BESTA, Bro Fahmi


After all the speakers have given the talk, end of the 1st session. Before started the second session, all the participants and speakers were having lunch at the Colosseum.  


catering bureau


The mock interview. It was like a real interview where, the interviewer will interview the participant as they want to apply the job from the company. The difference is, the interviewing session held in front of many people.  

Token of appreciation given by mdm Yumi 

thank you !

thank you !

These who are really work hard in order to make this a success ! 

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,Thank you !

And really hope this event will be continued to the next semester.. !

eerrkkk.......... !!