As promised before in entry
Part 1 : IRIE, here are the pictures that have been captured during the event. Those who did not participate or visit CAC during the event can enjoy the pictures! When first entering the CAC hall, we can see a lot of partition stands dividing each project and research from each lecturer and postgraduate student.
Kuliyyah of Dentistry |
Biotechnology Kuliyyah of Science |
Biotechnology Kuliyyah of Science |
biotechnology engineering |
Kulliyyah of Engineering |
Kulliyyah of Engineering |
Besides that, they are also exhibited their product and explained about the advantages and usage of their product.
These are from the Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED).
A lot of products from the KAED are just a prototype and much explain about the design part. The product cannot be touched as all of them are fragile.
Next, is from our kulliyyah.
Kulliyyah of Engineering.
Smart traffic light |
mesocarp |
And, pictures to be proud of ! From our department. These are the product and research from our lecturers and postgraduate students.
Satisfied with pictures? There are a lot more ! Our lecturers Biotechnology Department have won many medals from the exhibiton and research compare to the other ! Dr Azura, Dr Kabashi, Dr Maan, Dr Parveen and others are proudly won the medal for the exhibition. Also not forgotten the postgraduate student which have give their full effort in making this a success. Bounty appreciation and thank you so much!
Dr Maan with Md. Zahangir Alam |
Dr Parveen with Dr Azura |
from left : Dr Parveen, Dr Irwandi Jaswir, Dr Kabashi, Dr Maan, and Dr Azura |
with all the winners and Rector |
Postgraduate Students |
Postgraduate Students |
Postgraduate students |
Postgraduate students with Dr Parveen |
Bro lab 1 and Bro Tutorial Organic Chem |
Nothing else can describe the proudness of being under the same roof. Hopefully this success won't end here only. Your research will benefit others and ALLAH will grant you more. This success will enhance the spirit of other students in doing the best in study and also in their live. Barakallahufik..
errkk... |
p/s : Multimedia & Publication Bureau is very sorry to those who are participated but not in the pictures. due to crowd and limitation of time, prevented us from spending much time there. assif jiddan..~~